20+ years of administrative/managerial experience in biotech and pharma sectors
Board of Directors member, RIGHT, USA
Secured major funding through strategic partnerships
25+ years of Biotech management in EU, USA and Founder of multiple companies
35+ years of Research and Life Sciences Development
Hero in Medicine in 2000 by IAPAC
Full Professor of Materials Science & Technology, University of Sassari, Italy
Member of the European Academy of Sciences
Former Science Attaché, Italian Embassy in China
Founder Studio Tributario Societario
Certified Public Accountant
Tax and Corporate Advisor with decades of experience at prestigious national/international tax firms
20+ years of Biotech research
15+ years development experience, including biocides
Extensive expertise in evaluating virucidal activity of nanomaterials, drugs, and devices
Business lawyer and Corporate Manager
Strategic Advisor and Entrepreneur
Vice-president and co-founder of Spaceglass, a technology company in the aerospace sector
35+ years experience in patent research and practice in the biotech/pharma fields
Member of the State Bar of California
+30 years management experience in Australian and USA biomedicine, biotech, and health sectors
Strong focus on regulatory affairs